Jyotish- Original Oriental Astrology
Hi ! Friends my blog is about Vedic astrology and you will be amazed to know that cat is the symbol of astrology according to Vedas; as cats have an inherent sixth sense which is also required for a successful astrologer. Jyotish - Vedic astrology is also called " Vidal Mukha" i.e. cat-faced and "Vedanga" i.e. a part of Vedas.
Vedic astrology has its origin in Vedic hymns and systematic astronomical as well as Solar and Lunar calender's details are earliest given in an appendix of Atharva Veda known as Atharva Vediya Jyotish or simply Atharva Jyotish.
Vedic astrology is divided into three sections viz. Siddhant, Hora and Shakha; first one deals with astronomical mathematics related to the Sun, Moon, planets, satellites, stars, constellations and other celestial bodies such as comets and shooting stars as well as their speed and movement in space in relation to Earth; second one deals with a person's horoscope making and future foretelling for human affairs, it is also called Phalit Jyotish; third and the last one deals with good or bad omens and mundane astrology viz. terrestrial events related to politics, economics, environment and geology.
18 Rishis i,e, sages Lord Brahma (creator among Hindu Trinity Gods ), Lord Surya (embodied Sun), Vasishtha, Atri, Manu, Pulastya, Romash, Marichi, Angira, Vyas, Narad, Shaunak, Bhrigu, Chyavan, Yavan, Garg, Kashyap and Parashar are the mentors of Vedic astrology. Ages ago from about 15000 years back these Rishi studied space and Zodiac.
Lakhs of scholars of astrology have passed from Vedic era till today in India and that will continue I believe.
About one lakhs Sanskrit texts on Vedic astrology are found authored by above mentioned sages and many other Vedic astrology's scholars till medieval times. Later Vedic astrology's scholars started writing in local languages and dialects as well as Hindi, Urdu, Persian and English these texts are also found.
Oldest Sanskrit texts on astronomy and foretelling human affairs found are Surya Siddhant, Sukra Siddhant, Bhrigu Samhita, Saptarishi Nadi, Kak Bhushundi Nadi, Parashar Hora ( Brihat and Laghu), Jamini Sutram, Ravan Samhita, Arun Samhita ( Lal Kitab), Surya Samhita, Satyacharya Nadi, Chandrakala Nadi, Yavan Jatak, Saravali, Chamatkar Chintamani, Mansagari, Tajik Neelkanthi etc chronologically.
Hope ............................... You enjoy reading !
Hi ! Friends my blog is about Vedic astrology and you will be amazed to know that cat is the symbol of astrology according to Vedas; as cats have an inherent sixth sense which is also required for a successful astrologer. Jyotish - Vedic astrology is also called " Vidal Mukha" i.e. cat-faced and "Vedanga" i.e. a part of Vedas.
Thanks sir