Dhan Yog
The Dhan Yog means planetary placements in one's horoscope which makes her/ him wealthy.
Some important ones are Mahalaxmi, Vishnu- Laxmi, Chandra Mangal, Maha Bhagya, Indu, Brahma, Shrinath, Karak, Adhi, Padma, Shankha, Hans, Ruchak, Bhadra, Malavya, Shashak, Veshi, Vashi and Ubhaychari Yogas.
An astrologer if proficient enough can predict one's earning position that if he will be able to accumulate wealth in hundreds; thousands, lacs, crores, arabs or kharbs ( million, billion, trillion atc.
There are some Yogas which directly tell about one's wealth criteria such as Shatadhi Pati, Sahasradhi Pati,Lakshadhi Pati, Dwyalakshadhi Pati, Trilakshadhi Pati, Panchlakshadhi Pati, Kotyadhi Pati, Arbudadhi Pati and Kharbudadhi Pati.
But all these Yogas must be free from any hindrances due to planetary matrix that is called Argala (Jaminiya Jyotish) and also the fore-teller must consider potency of planets by means of Shodash Varga, Ashtak Varga, Shad Bala, Bhav Bala and exact position of planets in Rashis (signs), Bhavas (houses) as well as Nakshatras ( Constellations) to be precise.
Dashas (periods) must also be kept in mind to predict the time of profit and loss also Gochar ( present position of planets by virtue of movement) as well as Pratyavartana - progression of planets ( hypothetical present position of a planet's cosmic wave blueprint by it's natal position in a house with concerned sign from Lagna -ascendant).
Dashas (periods) must also be kept in mind to predict the time of profit and loss also Gochar ( present position of planets by virtue of movement) as well as Pratyavartana - progression of planets ( hypothetical present position of a planet's cosmic wave blueprint by it's natal position in a house with concerned sign from Lagna -ascendant).
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