Medical Astrology   

           Medical astrology is an ancient Astrological Medical system that associates various parts of the body, diseases, and drugs as under the influence of the all planets in Astrology, along with the twelve astrological signs. In Medical Astrology we can get to know about the diseases related our body with the help of Astrological Planetary and Zodiac system. Planets placed in different houses, Signs and Nakshatras in the influence of different planets by aspects or conjunctions may cause the different kind of diseases. While using of Medical Astrology System we are able know reasons and cure of the disease arrived in our body.
Medical Astrology Of Sun
Part of body : Stomach, bone, right eye, heart, skin, belly, head constitution of body.
Diseases : Trouble in right eye, high fever, disease of heart, stomach and skin, bone fracture, diseases in head and all past diseases.
Medical Astrology Of Moon
Part of body: Heart, lungs, mind, blood, left eye, breast, alimentary canal, water in body, intestines, lymph, kidneys.
Diseases : Diseases of heart, lungs, left eye, uterus, sleepiness, inertia, asthma, diarrhea, anaemia, poisoning of blood, diseases from water, vomiting, kidney trouble, diabetes, menstrual, disorder, dropsy, appendicitis, diseases of breasts, and mammary glands, cough and cold, hydrocele.
Medical Astrology Of Mars
Part of body: Blood, marrow, energy, neck veins, genitals, red mater in blood, rectum veins, female organs and vitality, nose.
Diseases: Diseases of head, poisoning, cuts, wounds, sore eye, leprosy, itches, blood pressure, lose of energy, diseases of female organs, bone fracture urinal diseases, boils, tumours, cancer, piles, menstrual disorder, ulcer, dysentery, rectal disease, chicken pox, mumps, fistula, hernia.
Medical Astrology Of Mercury
Part of body: Chest, nerves, skin, navel, nose, spinal system, gall bladder, veins, lungs, tongue, arms, mouth, hair
Diseases: Diseases of chest and nerves, chicken pox, epilepsy, disease of navel, nose and gall bladder, poisonous diseases, bone fracture, typhoid, madness, paralysis, fits, ulcer, indigestion, cholera, skin and mouth diseases, neurofibroma, vertigo.
Medical Astrology Of Jupiter
Part of body: Thighs, fat, brain, lungs, liver, kidney, ear, memory, tongue and spleen, semen.
Diseases : Diseases of liver, kidneys, lungs and ears, diabetes, lack of memory, malady of tongue, thighs, pancreas spleen and dropsy, jaundice, tumours, albumin in urine, blood poisoning, dyspepsia, abscesses.
Medical Astrology Of Venus
Part Of Body: Face, eye sight, genital organs, semen, urine, lustre of body, throat, water in body and glands, chin.
Diseases : Diseases of face and eye, venereal diseases, fading away of bodily lustre, fits, indigestion, throat trouble, diabetes, sexual incompetence, throat, water in body and glands, chin.
Medical Astrology Of Saturn 
Part of body: Legs, joint bones, muscles, limbs, teeth, skin and hair. Knees, earn, spleen.
Diseases: Weekness, stomach pain, damage and loss of limbs, bone fracture, diseases of bones, teeth, skin and lags, rheumatic pains, blindness, ugly hair, mental worry, wounds, muscle pains, paralysis, hysteria, deafness, tumours, baldness.
Medical Astrology Of Rahu
Part of body: Feet, breathing, neck.
Diseases: Lung problems, diseases in feet, ulcers, boils, leprosy, difficulties in breathing, enlargement of spleen, cataract and hydrocele, varicose veins, hiccoughs, stammering, poisoning, pains.
Medical Astrology Of Ketu
Part of body: Belly, feet.
Diseases: Lung problems, fever, eye-pain, stomach pain, boils, pains in body, diseases from unknown causes, intestine worms, low blood pressure, defect in speech and ear, brain diseases, phobias.


Aries : The crown of head-the scalp, masculine, firey, movable
Taurus : Signifies face, neck, earthy, feminine, fixed.
Gemini : Chest, common sign, airy, bisexual.
Cancer : Heart, movable, feminine, watery.
Leo : Stomach, abdominal organs, fixed, fiery, juices.
Virgo : Hips, common sign, feminine.
Libra : Naval region, umbilicus, airy, movable, masculine.
Scorpio : Genital organs, femine, watery, fixed.
Sagittarius : Thighs, common sign, fiery, masculine.
Capricorn :Knees, feminine, earthy, movable.
Aquarius : Calves of the feet, fixed, windy, masculine.
Pisces : Feet, common sign, feminine, watery.


First house : Head, neck and pelvis.
Second house : Right side body parts, right eye, shoulders, reproductive organs, speech, eye sight, face, nose.
Third house : Right ear, arm, overy, testicles, leg, throat.
Fourth house : Right cheek, knee, heart, (right lobe and valves), right side of stomach, spleen and liver.
Sixth house : Right jaw, chest and calf (muscle)of leg, body swelling, veneral diseases, tuberculosis, bronchitis, cancer, colic pains etc. diseases.
Seventh house : Mouth, lips, naval region, groins, feet.
Eighth house : Left jaw, chest, calf muscles, anus, pistula, piles, urinary tract infections, veneral diseases.
Ninth house : Left cheek, heart and knee.
Tenth house : Left side body, nostrils, thigh.
Eleventh house : Left ear, arm, overy and testicles.
Twelveth house : Left side, eye, shoulder and sexual organs, injury, mental agony (tension). 
The Nakshatra Connection


The reddish star in the zodiac at 0° in Mesha which is called as Arietis. This according to Indian astrology is known as Ashwini or Aswini and is ruled by the planet Mars. It generally governs the head and cerebral hemispheres of the body and is responsible for all the diseases associated with them. They at times have a stuttering way of speech.


The star is Bharani signifies the character of Agni Rasi Tamo Guna and elephant is its animal symbol. It is ruled by the planet Mars and is within the sign of Aries. The energy we use to retain ourselves in the material world is influenced by the star Bharani. The star Bharani governs and is responsible for the diseases associated with the head, cerebral hemispheres and organs within the head and eyes.


Various parts of the body like head, eyes, brain, vision, face, neck, tonsils and lower jaw are governed by the Krittika star which is also known as the "Star of Fire". This star is under the governance of the Sun. Krittika is supposed to be a female nakshatra whose power can be activated by an outer energy.


The star Rohini is the most beloved and wife of Chandra and is ruled by Venus. It is under the governance of the moon.It influences different parts of the body like face, mouth, tongue, tonsils, palate, neck, cerebellum, atlas and cervical vertibrate and also responsible for the diseases associated with these organs.


The planet governing this star is Mars and it influences and is responsible for the diseases associated face, chin cheeks, larynx, palate, throat, vocal chord, arms, shoulders thymus gland and upper ribs.


Ardra is governed by the planet Mercury. The name of the star comes from the word Arudhra which means wet or surcharged with water that is fat. It is in charge of throat, arms and shoulders and also the diseases associated with them.


This star is governed by the planet Jupiter. The name of the star Punarvasu is derived from Puna+Vasu, which symbolizes means renewal or astrologically it is said to bring about or restore energy. The organs and the diseases under this star are ear, throat, shoulder blades, lungs respiratory system, chest, stomach, oesophagus, diaphgram, pancreas and upper lobes of liver.


The lord of governance for the star Pushya is Saturn. Astrologically this star means "to strengthen" and nourish. Lungs, stomach and ribs are the main organs governed by this star and it s also responsible for the diseases associated with these organs.


Mercury is the lord of the star Aslesha.The organs of the body under the governance of this star is lungs, stomach, oesophagus, diaphgram, pancreas and liver. Hence any diseases associated with these organs are influenced by this star.


This is a star of brightness and light and is governed by the planet Sun. The organs of the body under the influence of this star are heart, back, spinal chord, spleen, dorsal region of spine and aorta. Hence any diseases associated with these organs are influenced by this star.


The heart and spinal chord is governed by Poorvaphalguni star and is also responsible for the diseases associated with these organs. The lord of this star is Sun and is governed by Venus.


The Sun governs the star Uttaraphalguni .Uttaraphalguni indicates both the need for union and for organizing the resources gained through it.


The sign is governed by mercury and the star is governed by moon. Not many organs are under the influence of this star.


This 14th star of zodiac is also known as star of opportunity. The planet Mars is the lord of this star and different parts of the body under its influence are belly, lower part, kidney, loins, hernia and vasomotor system and also its diseases.


Swathi nakshatra rules the body parts like skin, kidneys, ureter, appendicitis, hernia and bladder and is also responsible for the diseases associated with these organs. This star is under the governance of the shady planet rahu.


Indra and Agni rules this star and the planet Jupiter governs the star Vishakha.This is the birthstar of Sun. It rules various parts of the body like lower abdomen, parts near bladder, pancreatic gland, genital organs, rectum, descending colon and prostate gland and is also associated with their diseases..


Saturn is the planet which governs the star Anuradha and is ruled by Mitra.The various body parts ruled by this star are bladder, genital organs, rectum, nasal bones and bones near genital organs and also diseases associated with them.


Astrologically the star Jyeshtha means the eldest one or superior due to age and experience. It rules the organs like colon, anus, genital organs, ovaries and womb and is also responsible for the diseases associated with these organs.


The star Moola signifies the root and is governed by Ketu. It symbolizes a bunch of roots tied together. The various parts of the body under the influence of this star are hips, thighs, femur, ileum and sciatic nerves. Hence it is also responsible for the diseases associated with them.


Venus is the lord of the star Poorvashada and it governs various parts of the body like thighs, hips, the concygeal and the sacral regions of the spine, the filiac arteries and the veins. This star is also responsible for the diseases associated with the above mentioned organs.


Uttaraashadha is otherwise called as "Universal Star" is governed by the Sun. It is the second part of the Nakshatra Sagittarius. The organs under the governance of this star are thighs, femur, arteries, skin and knees and are responsible for the diseases associated with these organs.


Shravana is the birth star of lord Saraswathi and it is symbolized by three foot-prints. The characteristic of this star is to link people together by connecting them to their appropriate paths in life. The lord of this star is the Moon. It governs lymphatic vessels, knees and skin and is also responsible for the diseases associated with them.


The star Dhanishta is symbolized by drum and tabala and is governed by the planet Mars. The various organs under the influence of this star are knee cap bones, ankles, limbs, portion between knees and ankles. Hence this star is also responsible for the diseases associated with them.


Satabhisha is the large group of faint stars in the Water Bearer owned by the node Rahu and the sign is ruled by Saturn. It is responsible for the organs it governs like portion between knees and ankles and calf muscle.


This nakshatra which is governed by Jupiter is said to be transformational in nature where they sacrifice themselves for a higher cause. It is responsible for the diseases which are associated to the organs it governs and they are ankles, feet and toes.


Uttarabhadrapada, also known as the warrior star is under the governance of the planet Saturn. It is responsible and associated with writing and speaking abilities. It governs and is responsible for the diseases associated with the feet.


Revathi is the last nakshatra of the zodiac and it signifies final journey from this life to the next. This star is under the governance of the planet Mercury.Revati is governed by Pushan, the nourishing form of the Sun God. It governs feet and toes and is responsible for the diseases associated with them.


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